Tuesday, June 05, 2007

BLUE Skies

The Blue Sky can be seen if you open your Blue Umbrella -- Colors, Utada Hikaru

I thought I'd jump out here and let you all know that things are going better since I wrote that last post. It really is a matter of how you view things, and what you let get to you. Being around this part of my family, even though we're not that close, were closer than I'd realized, and they're rubbing off on me. I'm learning to be more carefree, more loving, and more myself. Of course, it helps now that I have an Utada Hikaru CD [Ultra Blue] to listen to (though I want more [20_Jun] lol).

I still don't have a serving job. I haven't gone looking for one, but I do have a job, still, and it's getting better. I do have to say, though. Today was a little hectic; I still felt like I was in people's way, but I knew what I was doing. I just need to get better at what I can do, and then the rest will come to me; I'm sure of it!

Though, if any of you pray, please pray that I do get a serving job soon. A good one. One I can feel at home in, and not worry about how bad I might be doing, because I have a job that I know I can do.

I love you all, and hope to see you again someday
But enough of that, now; there's a life to be lived, and laundry to wash, and a gym to be gym'd, and those things don't happen on their own.

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