Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Hols

I find it safe to now announce that the Holidays are in progress.

What that should mean for me exactly is something I haven't quite figured out; aside from long hours at work and a desire for never-ending late-night chats with loved ones, that is.

I work in the bar again, which is something that is quite different now that I'm about it. I can't think of whether or not I appreciate it enough. Sure, at times, there is a great amount of money, and it is as though I receive a paycheck each week when I pick up my tipshare, but sometimes I wonder if it is worth it.

Things couldn't be any more... interresting these days; I'd have to say something about the state of matters in my personal life, but I cannot think of how to put it all. And darn the fact that I cannot seem to stay well enough to consider all things right. It seems to me that it is only when I am able to accept the fact that the way things are are just that that I am able to somehow accept the fact that my life couldn't be any worse. At the same time, things seem to hit me in the face, or whisper, rather, from the darkness of the back of my naive mind about how things could be better.

If you have problems following this present strain of thought, don't fret. Most times I, myself, am not able to maintain pace.

Such are the idle thinkings of Man;
How easily are we deceived by the Dragon.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Today brings several things to the stage that I had not quite expected. Aside form my feeling that this has all happened quite too suddenly, and ignoring the ever pesky health problems I've been fighting, I can all but welcome myself and everyone else to the end of the Spring Semester, 2006.

With graduations underway since 0930 this morning across the country, things seem to be lightening in mood. While I can't say that this is particularly true for myself (I have made a few bad moves on my behalf with those around me), I can heartily declare that with longer nights and shorter days in the next few months ahead, things will start looking up. And, honestly, if they don't, then no worries, eh? Everything will change again soon; such is the way of things ephemeral.

Personally, lately, I've been dealing with problems arising from rejection. And, perhaps, that is not exactly what has been dealt to me, but all the same, it is what I've felt. This morning, for some unknown reason, I feel loved. I can't quite place a finger on why, but I keep going back in my mind to my friends, with whom I've enjoyed and despised a long and arduous ride thusfar; now that I am able to stand and view the canyon in retrospect, I'm quite pleased to see there were more of the former times than the latter. I've also seen that ignorance is bliss.

And on that note, I'm pleased to announce that I'm finished forthwith of all required psychology classes, and with the inevitable burning of those papers and selling of the book I will soon be free of it's knowledgable clutches. Hoo rah for me, eh?

I need to go do wash and eat something. I'm about to embark on possibly the longest night at work in I've had in well nigh six months. Cheers and Tears.

Monday, May 08, 2006

For Mention and Direction

I just want you, avid readers and browsers alike, to know that I am in a sort of binding break right now. I haven't been able to write on my blog as much as I'd like, and in the small instances I do find enough time, I've not enough effort nor desire. For this I ask forgiveness (seeing as how I seem to have left a story partly undone).

It is the week of finals, and I've just moved to a new place on the north side of town. I'd like you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I try to get situated in my new surroundings and finish up this semester (only one more to go!) at CjC.

On the topic of finishing the Ruidoso story, I'll do that soon as well, and I will either have it posted at the top of my blog for easy access, or I'll post it in date order following Part I. I've yet to decide that. All this being said, I've only so long before my final, and must take my leave.