Monday, January 22, 2007

The Darkness

I jumped down the steps and onto the darkened pavement of the parking lot. As I ran passed the line of cars, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a dark creature standing, almost waiting to pounce. It's mouth hanging open: A black dog demon.

I jumped, needless to say, and I turned to look at it as I continued moving back. A darkened place on the ground was all that existed. My logical mind said "sure, it was just a wet spot on the ground, and I thought something else, but my spiritual side said it was something else. I turned my back on it and continued walking toward my car, but I felt heightened, and I paused to grab a white sword in the air, I spun and slashed the thing in half as it jumped to mount on my back.

My eyes followed the slash through the air, back to where the creature was first standing. I turned and got in my car.

I went to get a massage, and I got seduced, and I feel crappy.

But not half as crappy as I should. I feel worse for that Massagist... or however they're called. At any rate, I feel bad because they like me a lot, and I don't like them a lot, but I'm a guy, and we can't easily avoid seduction so well placed, you know? Maybe I just shouldn't get any massages except from my wife? Hahaha.

Anyway, I'm off to the gym. Oh! before I go I want to mention that I think they tried to put a spell on me. Whatever it was, I don't think it worked. No, I wont give it any credit. It didn't work. And I'm me. But also, that I have been seeing a lot of wierd stuff again, lately.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Great Dreams

Demo tooi nani ni ako garette -- Last Exile

So last night I had these great dreams! One of them, I found this person that I liked, and in the middle of a mall or something, we stopped, and the music was playing this one song I can't really remember, but it would have been the English counterpart to that one up there (But who do I desire?), and we kissed, and the dream camera rotated around us. It was crazy. Awesome. Anyway, moving on.

In my next dream, apparently I still lived back at the old house on the Circle, and Josh was there. We owned these crazy cars that could travel through space-time (Josh and mine was pearly orange) and they came with these little phones that helped them do it (like remotes). Dad had one that was really cool, too, though. Anyway, somehow I got caught up in being some sort of priest-in-training, and my trainer (a famous priestess) resided on Mars, so I used my car to get to here. I would send out messages with thought, or text (and there were like three people who would receive these thought-message) and I'd get text replies, or thought replies -- it didn't really matter which, the thought was a more advanced thing, and I couldn't really do that until I was better (near the end of the dream). Anyway, I went to Mars a lot. ... and there was a college class in my bathroom... and lots of crazy stuff. And my brother and I wrestled on the floor for fun for once. Yeah. I'm sorry none of this is making any sense, but you see, it just makes me so excited, I don't know what else to say! Huzzah, basically.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

On the Table

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. There's too much on the table. I work two jobs as a server, and I cannot lie, it is quite tiresome. I do miss the days of only one job, one responsibility, but those days are gone. I make far too much money doing this to quit. And that, I think, is what I hate the most.

I do not get what I deserve at one place, and I don't know much about the other. I get harassed, humiliated, and humored in a piteous way for the things I've gone through. For the things I haven't done, things I haven't said, I pay the price. i'm tired of living in a world where people decide the outcome of your life. I don't mean to say that there is no true control over your own life, nor do I wish to impress upon the reader I hold the belief that others decide my fate -- the don't, and I don't believe that one bit. However, there is something to be said about the NPCs (if you will) in anyone's life that have a say over what other people think about you.

Damn. I hate how people don't find things out for themselves, first-hand.

I hate our tabloid community.

Monday, January 08, 2007

On My Own

There's the weak and the strong,
And the many stars that guide us;
We have some of them inside us
-- Mercy of the Fallen, Dar Williams

I'm going to Dallas today.

No reason, really. I just want to get out of this town for a short time, and I want to spend some time on my own. When I get there, I'm going to have lunch with Jon, and we're going to talk about life and love and things like that. Before I leave, I'm going to have had a mug of coffee somewhere nice, and a bite to eat for dinner with him as well. He has to be at work for the majority of the time I'm going to be there, but I'm not bothered.

There's a lot I have to think about. There is a job there that I may take, and then I'd move there, and then I'd be gone from here, and everything, and... yeah.

A lot to think about, and I'm still out of it.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Uneasy, Greasy, Queasy

Oh I just come from the Land of the Sun;
From a war that must be won in the name of Truth...
-- Love Vigilantes, Iron & Wine

Perhaps not as greasy as I had been the previous two days, I stepped from my car into the chilly, damp night air. The rain that had fallen all day left a gentle residue on everything: the gravel parking lot, the buildings, the still green grass, the cars, the breeze itself. Every moment or so, a lazy rain drop plummeted from the dark reaches above me, as if having awoken late for an appointment -- the rabbit trying to keep his schedule.

While I can't be exactly clear about the events of the days before my sickness, I feel able to say that not all is well with the World of Men. Though, you probably already knew that. It isn't hard to see, with the death of innocents occurring mindlessly every day, the wishy-washy weather, the political state of things... Saddam Hussein was hanged by his own country last Friday, the 29th of December. All the prophecies of 2006 being a Year of years; while I felt the same for it, I felt that perhaps something was keeping it all back, under wraps, and this was it. The last blow to a weakening humanity was the death of Saddam.

As I stepped across the damp mulch of the landscaped areas outside the coffee house, the lyrics "It starts out easy: somethin' simple, somethin' sleezy, somethin' creepin' past the edge of reserve" quietly sounded beneath my breath. The unsettling smell of muddy guano cut the song from advancing like a hammer to a piano. A few more steps, and I glanced casually up to the row of open windows that looked out upon the patio. Quickly I looked away: the picture of an underage red-headed boy moving in to snog an equally juvenile female didn't leave much to the imagination, gracefully raised my nausea up to a new level, and pleasantly burned itself onto the retina of my mind. I opened the door and stepped inside.

The choices that we make are something we cannot easily undo. After all, time moves in one direction for humans, regardless of the fact that we have been chosen by God as His beloved creatures. In the end, I'm not sure I can say, honestly, where I had been intending to go with this, but I do know that I'm thinking. I'm thinking about the things I do. I'm thinking about the consequences every choice has. The direction each move takes me is one I cannot easily undo, if at all. No one can, and this is not what I am suggesting. Perhaps, I am merely saying that even while we have our great studies of History and the like, Man, as a whole, has been too careless to truly avoid its repetition of mistakes to make for a better future. Or, is that part of God's infinite power? He told us that nothing that is under the sun is new; what has been will be again. Is it inescapable? Destiny?

I don't know that I can say I believe in Destiny, for Destiny's sake. I do know that I have a choice -- that I was given a way out. What happens is my decision, and my call; the path I take cannot easily be undone, if at all, remember? Then again, when we get to the end of our lives, each of our own lives, can we look back and say that everything that happened to us was the result of our own actions? Or was it Destiny for us to live the way we did? I think we can do better. I think we can be something greater. That is a destiny to bow our heads to. His Destiny. We spend our lives avoiding it. So much for so called fatalists who think we cannot avoid it, but in the end, their mentality is completely against true Destiny.

Clutching my warm drink in both my hands, I took a sip and sighed as I walked out the door and back to my car. The moisture in the air, the scattered drops of rain, the cool breeze -- they all spoke to me like something fresh. After having been sick and stuck in a house all day long, maybe you notice these things. Still, things looked clean; refreshed. Happy.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Overflow of the Mouth

I wanna burn for You -- Yearn, Shane & Shane

I am sick. But I cannot throw up. It is times like these that I hate that ability of mine. For some reason, my gag reflex is strong, and even after ten minutes of sitting in front of the toilet with a toothbrush down my throat, I only managed to cough up a little. Definitely not enough to make me feel better. I cannot lay down, because I feel like I am going to vomit, but I cannot vomit when I go to do so.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Ring in the New Year

I haven't felt the way
I feel today
In so long its hard
For me to specify
...Nice to know you
-- Nice to Know You, Incubus

I don't know how many times it has to happen, I never learn.

A kid touching the stove; its the same damn`ed thing every time. Can Man ever learn from His mistakes? Can I ever accept the freedom and redemption that God has so freely provided to me already?

When will I be able to pursue Him wholeheartedly? When can I be free of the curse I placed on my own heart so many years ago?

When can I
Go along
And frolic in
The field of flowers,
Beyond the Shack that no one knows,
before the forest where no one goes?