Saturday, April 18, 2009

Imperial America

-- I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and this is what came up... I don't know where it will go from here, but at least I've got my mind going...

I've been around a lot lately. Around the country, that is. Things still look the same as they did a few years ago. For the most part. There are major differences, of course, including more hoodlums and more ghettos. More neon signs and more multi-lane high-ways. More foreigners and less respect for elders.

Why the imperialism?
Perhaps it's because they want a more world-friendly outlook, but the world itself isn't friendly looking back.
Perhaps it's because they want to have more exposure to different cultures, but the other cultures are becoming more like us.
Perhaps it's because foreign makes are the best available, but American-crafted items used to be world-renown for their quality.
Perhaps it's because they think we're the only ones who can save the world, but they're the reason most wars didn't end ten years ago.

So, why Imperial America? Shouldn't it just be the measurement system that retains that name? I don't mind it; in fact, it sounds rather lovely, Imperial Units. Of course, those weren't American to begin with, anyway.

What does it mean to be an American? So many people these days argue that and "American", for all intensive purposes, could be anyone from the Western Continents, yet we continue to demand the right of the name, and the precedence over other states. What does it mean to be a citizen of the United States?

Even with all the changes we've had over the past year, the economic downfall included, there haven't been many defining moments for the U.S., and there should be. There should have been. What defines us as a country is brought from other places. And that's fine. We've been known as the "melting pot" of all the world cultures... but what defines us? What makes us different?

Where are the scientists from the last century? Where are the learned scholars in D.C.? Where are the mechanical pioneers from Big and Bold U.S.A., those Shining Stars of the past?

Who are we?
Who am I?

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