Friday, May 04, 2007


The TKP has written a provocative entry, about the gender roles of men and women, and she has asked for feedback on the subject. She also lamented about her lack of thought-provoking entries, which I find to be ironic in itself, seeing as how this very entry was so very thought-provoking, in more than one way.

On the note of gender roles, what we have seen in present times is that the bold line between men and women is growing thinner, and may disappear all-together in the near future. While I'm not overly concerned about this move toward unity, there is the issue of provider/caretaker, and the actual ability to fulfill that role in society. Men have always been, and should always be, the provider, because they have the strength to obtain what is required by the caretaker -- traditionally a woman -- to take care of the family and home space.

Now, it is important to note that I am by no means demeaning the ability of women to become providers, nor men to become caretakers, but each sex is naturally suited to a particular job. Individual people may or may not have been blessed with the ability to overcome the definitions of such jobs, and therefore may or may not be able to step outside those boundaries to something more.

Moving on to the topic of provocative entries... Well, about a month ago, I looked back at my year of posts (well, considerably-less-than-a-year's-worth, anyway), and I discovered that I had taken a long and winding ride on a tangent from the original circumference of my blog's scope. Now, I wasn't too worried about this action, nor am I still, because I simply am going to make an effort to remain focused on my blogs intent... However, I've yet to truly do that, though I am blogging more regularly.

The title, "Scratch Sheet: My working out of the Test of Life", could even have several meanings, and I am not pointing this out as an attempt at justifying what I've done, but merely so that I do not feel so guilty about not having centered the topics around what I think God is saying to me in different things... .... ....

I am still trying to make out what life I have, and what is going on, and that happens by reporting what I go through with different people. How's that for an excuse?

1 comment:

TKP said...

I think it's funny both you and Will call me "the TKP" instead of just "TKP." Now I am going to get some good ramen-the kind you can never get in the States. Oh man, it is sooooo good.