Body ni matou lovely charm
Ikite yuku koto wa try get chance
Kokoni aru kara tsuyoi yume
Gan! Gan! Kechirashite yukoo, rival darake no mahiru...
Labor Day. I definitely fell asleep in my car last night and woke up around 5am. After cleaning my foot a little, I climbed into bed, and slept until 2:30. The rain has been falling all day, and it's been nice. When I finally stepped outside later, I could smell something different than the usual "rain" smell in West Texas; it was a wet earth sound. I spent the day wrapped up in my blanket, and just wandered around the house when I wasn't watching a video on the internet -- which I'll talk about later.
The way the light was diffused through the clouds was something that brought back memories from the days of my childhood. There was even the complimentary smell of my mother's cooking. The smell is something I've come to the conclusion that I'll be missing later on. I know, I don't mean to be johny raincloud, but it happens, and I'm glad I got to enjoy today smelling it, as if I were a child in school again, with no job to go to in the daytime... Bah.
As for the video, it's PGSM the Live Action version. I used to watch this with some old friends of mine, and I miss them a lot. So I've had a nice, nostalgic day. And though no one really understood this rant, I am glad I still had it.
1 comment:
isn't it funny how there are certain smells or moments that take us back to the carefree days of childhood? There are woods I see sometimes that remind me of how I would go play when I was young, and am scared to walk through now because of things that crawl. Hope all is well in your world.
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