I bought an old home in Del Rio... -- So-So, Brooke Waggoner
I've been back from the race and the subsequent vacation for a couple days now, working every step of the way. Though, when I was lucky enough to find some off-time, and not being doing errands, I spent my time resting up and trying to recover the state of my health.
Today has been a wonderful experience. I went to bed early, I slept in late, and I feel great compared to what it has been. The weather outside when I rose was somewhat dark and cloudy, and I could tell by my few furtive glances through the window-blinds that there was a soft and gentle music resonating sweetly on the wind. I do have to work tonight, and that makes me sad, somewhat, but mostly because of the weather outside. I had figured that by the time I got around to walking out to work, I would find a wave of heat rising up to greet me, but instead it has just been clean, cool air rustling a playful hand through my hair.
Perhaps I should be happy that the weather is finally turning, and that for once, it seems the seasons might turn in the old fashion they used when I was a child? Still, it does rub me wrongly that I have to go in and work on a beautiful afternoon like this. It's not often that the heart of Texas sees such beautiful weather...
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