Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another 9/11

So this picture to the left of me is from -- the best place for fansubbed material, insofar as it is what they choose to work on, which happens to correspond to what I like to watch... ah, I digress. The point is, it's from there, and you can clearly see their icon in the picture (note red circle). I thought the picture was keen and well-placed, as it can be seen in the upper-left-hand side of their main page.

I know what you must be thinking: "How uncouth!" But allow me to present to you their journal over the subject: "DB Celebrates the Passing of Another 9/11".

I agree with what they say, and it seems right that by this time we should be over the tears of this subject. I by no means want this to be a painful thing for anyone, as I, too, had family involved in the incident, though they were spared. Please don't think I'm being insensitive, either, when I say these things, but they're right; we should be happy we've gone another year without incident, and rejoice at how much stronger it has made us, and the changes the event is still bringing about today.

So think on that, and be happy, and realize that we've all grown a little in the past 7 years.

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