Monday, August 13, 2007

Do I Belong

And I am to blame:
I sit here in shame,
I threw You away again
-- Shades of Grey, Waking Ashland

[[Christie, if you're reading this, the one I refferred to in that message is the one before this, entitled, Agony.]]
I try not to listen to too much music lately. It seems that everyting has a habbit of reminding me where I'm from, and where I'm not. Do I belong here at all? Can I belong here; can I fit in where things keep going wrong; where walls continually pop up to stop me in my tracks? I feel like I'm dying inside, and outside things are much better. The people at my work all surely think that I'm milking this for the best of it, but there's no way I could be. I try to work, but I'm in so much pain, and from lack of sleep I am not able to move as fast as I can. Someone pointed out today that I seemed happier, but when I told them what was going on, they congratulated me on how well I was faking it. What kind of person am I turning in to?

I long to go home, but part of me is afraid that if I do, I will never pick up this path again, or any other for that matter, and then what? I don't think I'm good enough to carve my way as an artist, or a writer, and acting, well, home isn't the right place to be for that. Though I do suppose that instead of spending my time writing this, I could go on to writing other things and try on that path... though, the way is arduous... Hell. For what I'm putting up with for this Medicine, I might as well... right? right?

I find myself wondering a lot of things. "Is it worth it," seems to be the big question right now. Like I said, I could go home, but is that worth it, either? There are a lot of sacrifices involved in that, and a lot of questioning to answer, but I don't mind the questions so much as the sacrifices.
The only thing has has been keeping me here is the fact that I want -want- to stay in this school. I want to finish it. I want to do something with it. I want to be able to heal people who have problems. And then I laugh, because I think of that age old saying:
Physician, heal thyself.

I'm pulling on resources that aren't mine to use, and I'm running out of time. I want to move out. I want to be in a cleaner environment. I want to be with people that respect their house. I want to be with people that understand. I want to be home. I want to be with my family, my mom and my dad. I want to be with friends who really are friends. Of course it would be ironic that I would be the one to leave this time, and not my "friends".

It would be ironic that instead of me wanting more, they are, and I've gone and left them behind. It would be ironic that when I could have had it all, happiness, family, friends, a stable job with a stable income... I left it on a chance that I would be able to do this. I think that I'm being overly dramatic over this, but at the same time, am I? Surely, I can do this. Surely I can do this. Surely.

I can do this. I can go to this school and graduate. I can complete my schooling and become a doctor and heal people. I can make a difference. Now I hear I should turn to faith; something in my soul says I should turn to faith, but I'm not sure. Why? Why am I not sure? I don't know, I can't understand it. I know there is something there that I should look to and say "I can rest easy, because it's alright; it's not in my hands," but I am not. I'm worried; I'm afraid to. Why? Am I letting the devil whisper that many things into my ear? Can I not decipher lies from the truth?

Please, God; let it not be a cop-out.

Sorry for my ramblings... sometimes it helps to get it out...

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