Monday, July 23, 2007

Another Month

All around me are familiar faces; worn out places; worn out faces.
Riding early for the Daily Races; going no where, going no where...
-- Mad World, Gary Jules, et al.

And here we are in the middle of that month already, and not one post, yet! It seems I cannot find a suitable means of escape from the minor-number-post issue per month I've got going for myself.

At any rate, I decided to take some personal time out of getting ready and rushing out the door for work to let you all know that I'm 1)yes, still alive, and 2)actually going to college, but 3)I haven't find a place to live -- I'm going to lose mine in about 2 weeks time.

There is so much I have to say on that subject, but so little ways for me to do so. The tension in this house... it's finally gone, and the only thing left is the undeniable cloud that hangs over the back of my mind; I try not to let that get to me, though, because I know that I should be alright... Suffice it to say, I have had all of my questions answered, and my suspicious proved correct the night before they left, which was in fact, the night before last.... Though, I cannot lead my reader astray, I know not what to do now about it, nor how I truly feel over the situation. Such strange fancies continue to run though my head over what I should do next... I don't have the time to get into this right now, however.

I just finished the last of the 7 Books last night, and was elated to find it over with. Perhaps I'll be able to write more on it tonight when I get home.... Perhaps; I should like that very much.

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