Monday, January 08, 2007

On My Own

There's the weak and the strong,
And the many stars that guide us;
We have some of them inside us
-- Mercy of the Fallen, Dar Williams

I'm going to Dallas today.

No reason, really. I just want to get out of this town for a short time, and I want to spend some time on my own. When I get there, I'm going to have lunch with Jon, and we're going to talk about life and love and things like that. Before I leave, I'm going to have had a mug of coffee somewhere nice, and a bite to eat for dinner with him as well. He has to be at work for the majority of the time I'm going to be there, but I'm not bothered.

There's a lot I have to think about. There is a job there that I may take, and then I'd move there, and then I'd be gone from here, and everything, and... yeah.

A lot to think about, and I'm still out of it.

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