Monday, April 27, 2009

Piers My Heart and Let Me Bleed

To the West then I looked...
And saw a deep dale - Death, as I believe,
Dwelled in that place, along with wicked spirits...
-- Piers Plowman C Version, William Langland

Lately the weather has taken a turn for the worse. It's April, damnit, but there's been no rain. All we've seen for the past week or so is the impending doom of rain and terrible storms, but nothing has come of it yet. It's been ... terrible to say the least. Such pressure has been building up all around the country side and in the city, and not just barometrically. I can't begin to wonder what it's side-along with.

For a long time, and even still, many of the denizens here believe that our city is protected from several things by an impenetrable bubble of Spirit power fueled by the prayers and beliefs of the community. I can't help but agree, though sometimes it reacts in strange ways. The Barrier has often been accused of keeping rain out of the area where we need it most, and storms that should be hitting us straight on dissipate as they approach the borders, or create holes and go around us entirely. There are times, though, that people get together to correct the misalignment of the Barrier, and rain happens almost immediately. You all must think I'm insane for writing about such an arguable subject. Surely there's no such thing in the world; for all intensive purposes, it does sound improbable. However, it's not a joke -- I'm quite serious when I say the faith of the citizens of this Texas town is strong, whether they realise it or not.

When it comes down to what's been going on lately, there's been unrest in animals of all sorts, and people have been rather tense about the "uncontrolled government spending" and the "Tea Parties" and other things. The weather has built up some incredible pressure and throughout the night will shudder and send shock waves through the sky. Last night was the worst yet, and while some rain broke out, I can only see it as the inevitable release of such accumulated energy... On the same note, I can only hope that things don't turn sour for our city. Let rain come soon, and gently; not only to the dried up grounds, but to the people and their spirits.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Into the Waters

Desire, it carries me on;
My exile has come and has gone.
-- Frustration, the Whip

I finally got back into the pool today, after what seemed an eternity of being out of town, the pool being under construction, and being injured. Everything's great. The pool felt amazing, and clean, and was brand new, and I practiced some dives even. I feel good. The funk I've been in for the past few weeks is finally starting to fade away, and that's a good thing.

I do have to say, I didn't get that promotion at work I was aiming for, but that's alright, too. I can't imagine how busy I'd be -- and not to mention stressed, had I gotten it instead of the other person. I want to see it as a blessing for right now, even though I'm still a bit bitter. That should go away.

I've been thinking a lot about moving, though. Moving away from home, but I know what that's like, and what that entails. I can't imagine doing it right now, either, though. It seems like there's a lot on my mind I can't seem to stop thinking about... College is one of those. I need to get back into school. Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Imperial America

-- I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and this is what came up... I don't know where it will go from here, but at least I've got my mind going...

I've been around a lot lately. Around the country, that is. Things still look the same as they did a few years ago. For the most part. There are major differences, of course, including more hoodlums and more ghettos. More neon signs and more multi-lane high-ways. More foreigners and less respect for elders.

Why the imperialism?
Perhaps it's because they want a more world-friendly outlook, but the world itself isn't friendly looking back.
Perhaps it's because they want to have more exposure to different cultures, but the other cultures are becoming more like us.
Perhaps it's because foreign makes are the best available, but American-crafted items used to be world-renown for their quality.
Perhaps it's because they think we're the only ones who can save the world, but they're the reason most wars didn't end ten years ago.

So, why Imperial America? Shouldn't it just be the measurement system that retains that name? I don't mind it; in fact, it sounds rather lovely, Imperial Units. Of course, those weren't American to begin with, anyway.

What does it mean to be an American? So many people these days argue that and "American", for all intensive purposes, could be anyone from the Western Continents, yet we continue to demand the right of the name, and the precedence over other states. What does it mean to be a citizen of the United States?

Even with all the changes we've had over the past year, the economic downfall included, there haven't been many defining moments for the U.S., and there should be. There should have been. What defines us as a country is brought from other places. And that's fine. We've been known as the "melting pot" of all the world cultures... but what defines us? What makes us different?

Where are the scientists from the last century? Where are the learned scholars in D.C.? Where are the mechanical pioneers from Big and Bold U.S.A., those Shining Stars of the past?

Who are we?
Who am I?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

From the Front Lines

We laughed off the quick tricks
and the old men with limp dicks
-- The Bus Mall, The Decemberists

This entry is coming to you from the new device, the nintendo DSi. Haven't heard of it? Well it's a lot like the initial psp's; I say that because I haven't touched the things (as much as I've wanted to) since I sold my initial one back in 2006. At any rate, it does music and picrure playback and has an SD card slot, all the things the psp was capable of. The diference, however, is that it can take its own pictures via 2 built in cameras, that's a whole two more than the psp, and one more than the iPhone. It can save these pictures to the standard sized SD card, which accepts high capacity and mini-adapters: I have a 2gig mini SD in mine, using an adapter right now. This uniqueness of course allows for the transfer of pictures to your computer. Interesting to note is that the outer camera is 3 megapixels, and the iner one is .3, both with a resolution of 640x480 []; take it from me, these photos aren't half bad.

Furthermore, the new DSi has 133megahertz ARD processor and a now 16mb RAM - a vast improvement over the original DS. This is mostly used for the editing of photos and music, as well as the Opera-based browser that I am using right now. The future of hand-held gaming for both Nintendo and Sony are far from diving head-first ibto the digital ranges of the iPhone, but there is hope that a slow but steady entrance will come. I'll see about uploading some of my pictures once I get the chance, and bloggong more about this, but as for now - mostly due to an injury to my touch-screen hand - I'm signing off.