A friend has asked me on more than one occasion as of late whether or not I have done any more pages of my comic "Full Circle"; regrettably, I reply that I have not, due to a lack of time. Today, I attempted to draw, and found that even though I was badly distracted, I was able to throw a few things together, regardless of my quickness to scratch them out. The only thing that remained on that paper was a crudely speed-sketched outline of a hand, and a lone, dry-Parmesan shaker, which sat on the table I didn't eat a free lunch at (long story).
Continuing on, I've come across my first few entries on this particular span of blog, back in April of 2006 to be more specific, and I was surprised to realize how far I had made my tangent. The original purpose of this blog was to openly debate my thoughts on life under the diametric soundings of good and evil, or God and Flesh (and so forth). What I've come to use this journal as is something quite the opposite. It has been more of a place for me to muse of the darker hands life has dealt me, without consideration of the lighter side of things. I admit, it is not a simple task to constantly be upward-minded, and in my present condition, I find it difficult to speak openly of God and His immaculate plans for my life when faced with my own earthly tribulations. How trite of me, yet true enough, if a little imprudent. Although, "God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether good or evil" [NASB Ec 12:14], and "For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light" [NASB Lu 8:17]. In addition, we must observe that throughout the epistles, as if to reinforce what was said by Jesus in his time, we are reminded that the Lord sees all...
Forgive me, I feel this a heavy subject for many at this time. I, of all people, need to hear these words spoken to me. I need to accept the Sacrifice daily and remember it, and hold it dear in my heart so that I may not forget it. We are all already forgiven, but we have not yet all acknowledged it and walked in it as truth. That is the failure of Man in his Flesh.
I do not think I am able to continue this conversation from this point onward. I wish everyone a good night, and be ready to serve; listen and obey when you are called upon, and I will do the same.