Picture I made for my new myspace theme: ERASED
My working out of the Test of Life
The light reflected casually off the scenery that passed by the cars in transit. I sat in the driver seat, last in a slow line of cars accessing the highway; the dual exhaust of the old white sedan in front of me drew my attention as the gusts of cold wind caught the hot fumes from time to time and changed it into vapor...
I worked tonight at the TRH, and made good money for having only four tables. After work I went to a martini bar called the Warehouse to see Jared, my old room mate. It was amazing; all artsy and stuff. So novel, because there aren't things like that all over the place in this town.
I felt good about being out like that for once. I'll try to go back.
Still, worms have quite a bit going for them; especially in the world of Microsoft computers. I have a worm on my computer that detatches the hardrive and corrupts the OS. Basically "cannot locate OS" is the message of the day... and yesterday, and the day before that, and the week before that...
Being without a computer is something I have to grow used to. My parents each have their own, and my dad lets me use his, so it isn't that bad. But there is still the "I want to take my computer and get out of the house and work on the work I have to do, elsewhere" complex that just doesn't get solved by sitting around on the automan, with headphones plugged into the Gateway, and the sound of the t.v. booming in the background. It will be a while before I can get my own. I have to save up for it, and I'm not doing so well on the thrift side of things; plus, it doesn't help that I want an apple. I can't seem to keep my money in my pocket, so to speak. I remember a couple of days ago I told myself that I would not spend money unless I had to, on food and such, and that's all I've been buying. Plus, I just payed a bit on a bill I have for a credit card I got to get my glasses, and I'm thinking of getting one to get my new computer.
Therein one can see my dilemma. I do not want more debt, nor do I own the funds possible to pay it off at the moment. I need to get rid of this current debt, first, and finally, I am trying to save money move to California, but that's not happening at this time, either.
God save me from my self.