It seems like it's been a long time since I actually got some sleep. Waking a few moments ago from a nap I had desperately needed, I feel surprisingly rested, all aside from the fact that I wanted to stay in bed (I need to be at work in about 45 minutes). I think it's one of the tensionless benefits you gain when you finally get out of debt.
I think I may have mentioned it about three months ago (if at all), but I'm finally out of debt. Seriously, this time. See, last time, I was out of a debt I had owed for the past two years, and then sadly, after that, my room mates left me with about 750 dollars to pay and disapeared. I'm here to finally say that I'm free from the web they wove me. And in a way, I wove it myself.
Brady has been telling me lately that there are so many things he's been through, but he's finally getting to the point where he can sit back and smile, and learn from it all rather than be bitter. *shrug*
I know that there are a lot of things I should be greatful for, and believe me when I say that it's been a long time coming, but you can't help but wonder and be crushed by the sheer weight of some of the things that I've been through over the past two years. *sigh*
Part of me can only shake my head. Sure, I know I've got my own signature on the contract to most all of these things, but some of them aren't so bad.
Anyway, how did I do it? Well, I had a garage sale today -- after selling lots of my possesions, including friendships and sleep at work trying to get the money. I've spent tons of time under-the-hole at the bank, but after this sale, I'm out. And I can't tell you how much it relaxes me.
But even at a garage sale, you find things to learn about. Things about responsibility, integrity, greed...
Seeing as I don't have much time to get ready for work, I'll have to leave that for another entry, if I remember. God bless you all.